Every Dryer repair service Burbank residents will tell you is often called out for dryer repairs that may have been avoided if the dryer owners had been diligent about keeping their dryers clean. This means that a fair percentage of service calls are directly or indirectly related to lint. If your dryer’s problem is lint then you just might be able to take care of it yourself by cleaning the lint out of your dryer from time to time.

What’s The Problem With Lint?

Lint may seem harmless but it is one of your dryer’s greatest enemies. You probably think of dryers as just being machines that dry your clothes but in truth they also remove lint from your clothes. This lint, if allowed to accumulate and to get into the wrong parts of your dryer, can keep your dryer from drying clothes as well as it should or from drying them at all.

So what can soft, fuzzy lint do? It can accumulate and block lint traps, vents, and blowers. When air is blocked then this can cause some real problems and can overtax your dryer.

Lint can even accumulate around the rollers, the pulleys, and the drive belt. This means that aside from blocking air flow, lint could interfere with the dryer’s tumbling action. Basically, lint can stop your dryer cold.

Removing Lint From Your Dryer

Cleaning the lint screen is easy. You just have to take the lint screen out of your dryer and then remove the lint. Your lint screen is usually taken out of the dryer just by pulling. It may be located next to the dryer’s control panel or near the door.

Cleaning the exhaust vent may be slightly more complicated depending on how yours is set up. Again, you just need to clear the lint away from wherever it collects. The main point of link collection will probably be where the exhaust vent sticks out of an exterior wall. In order to remove lint from the screen you may have to remove a clamp, a few screws, or whatever is holding it in place. After you remove it then just separate the lint from the screen and replace the screen.

When it comes to Dryer repair service Burbank residents should know that service calls can sometimes be avoided through regular lint removal. This seemingly innocuous substance is anything but. If you want your dryer to keep working then keep it clear of lint.

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